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15:26:22 ◀︎ Trump: We will continue to pursue remaining ISIS terrorists and others
15:27:31 ◀︎ Trump recalls American and Jordanian ISIS victims
15:28:40 ◀︎ Trump recalls Christian and Yazidi victims
15:28:40 ◀︎ Trump thanks Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Syrian Kurds
15:29:50 ◀︎ Trump thanks intelligence and military members involved in Baghdadi death
15:30:59 ◀︎ Trump: Final Baghdadi trackdown took 2 weeks
15:32:08 ◀︎ Trump watched the raid
15:33:17 ◀︎ Trump: Those who helped us did not know exactly what we were doing
15:33:17 ◀︎ Trump: Kurds gave us useful information
15:34:25 ◀︎ Trump: Those who helped us should take on some of our burden
15:36:34 ◀︎ Trump stresses Baghdadi died like a coward
15:41:05 ◀︎ Trump: We did not notify Congressional leaders until mission was over
15:42:15 ◀︎ Trump: Timing of US pullout from Syria was coincidental with raid
15:44:36 ◀︎ Trump: We don't want to stay in Syria but we're securing oil from ISIS
15:45:50 ◀︎ Trump: Russia likes our presence because Syrian theater is close to them
15:45:50 ◀︎ Trump: We're not going to spend billions to capture ISIS Europeans
15:56:11 ◀︎ Trump: We took captives but there were more enemy dead than alive
16:00:48 ◀︎ Blue and White: We made it clear Gantz is the designated prime minister
16:01:58 ◀︎ Trump: Iraq discriminates against US in oil leases
16:02:59 ◀︎ Trump: Syrian pullout did not generate intelligence that led to Baghdadi
16:05:21 ◀︎ Israel's 'Air Force One' revealed
16:17:41 ◀︎ Likud minister: Blue and White refused to accept the president's outline
16:21:05 ◀︎ Blue and White-Yisrael Beytenu talks start
16:27:49 ◀︎ UN ambassador: 'We still feel the pain of the Jewish souls taken from us'
16:30:09 ◀︎ PM congratulates Trump on eliminating ISIS leader: 'An important milestone'
16:55:27 ◀︎ Parents of jailed soldiers: Release them - they're not terrorists
16:56:35 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Death of ISIS chief an 'important milestone'
17:04:32 ◀︎ Gantz: An important US military achievement led by President Trump
17:14:39 ◀︎ Likud negotiation team head: We want answers from Blue & White
17:20:37 ◀︎ US treasury secretary to meet with PM
17:25:15 ◀︎ Blue and White-Yisrael Beytenu meeting ends
17:30:59 ◀︎ Weapons parts found in northern Arab village
17:41:21 ◀︎ Watch: "BOU" - the new up-beat Jewish-music video
17:50:37 ◀︎ Liberman: Terrorists aren't immune anywhere, including Gaza and Lebanon
17:52:51 ◀︎ Netanyahu-Gantz meeting under way
17:55:13 ◀︎ Shaked for no-fly zone in northern Syria
18:19:13 ◀︎ Seattle Holocaust center vandalized with neo-Nazi graffiti
18:22:29 ◀︎ President Rivlin joins Bahá'í in marking 200th birthday of the Báb
18:31:37 ◀︎ Senior Likud campaign figures probed for harassing state's witness
18:40:48 ◀︎ IDF soldiers' parents: Let them go, they're not terrorists
18:43:06 ◀︎ Drowning deaths down 36%
18:48:40 ◀︎ Seriously wounded in Netivot stabbing
18:52:10 ◀︎ Extremist haredim impede a bus with soldiers in Elad
19:00:14 ◀︎ UN Security Council to discuss Middle East on Monday
19:07:05 ◀︎ Jewish Agency unveils new plan to fight anti-Semitism
19:14:05 ◀︎ Police confirm probe of harassment of state's witness
19:36:37 ◀︎ US Ambassador blesses 'Shehechiyanu' at Ariel medical school opening
19:40:05 ◀︎ Blue & White: Likud is insisting on 'immunity bloc'
19:41:14 ◀︎ Blue and White to host Democratic Union and Labor-Gesher on Tuesday
19:58:35 ◀︎ PM on probe of senior Likud officials: 'Persecution does not stop.'