צפיות בכותרות
ח' באייר התשפ"ב
▲︎ לוהט
▲︎ חם
▲︎ עוררו עניין
13:54:57 ◀︎ Joint Arab List will support Knesset dissolution
14:45:43 ◀︎ Arab MK: 'I'll tell my colleagues to quit the coalition'
14:58:32 ◀︎ Right-wing activist: 'Deny kosher certification to businesses that hire Arabs'
15:14:11 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Only strength will ensure our future existence
15:14:11 ◀︎ Haredi MK: 'No understandings with coalition'
15:40:02 ◀︎ Smotrich: Bennett's government held hostage by Abbas and Hamas
15:46:46 ◀︎ What are the chances of Russia using nuclear weapons?
15:49:01 ◀︎ Dollar and euro both up against the shekel
15:55:45 ◀︎ Ben Gvir to Lapid: What do you do - other than tweet away?
16:01:24 ◀︎ 815 PA Arabs detained by police in nationwide operation
16:27:29 ◀︎ Assault on Jewish Montreal man being investigated as hate crime
16:36:27 ◀︎ Netanyahu: Naftali, it's over
16:38:43 ◀︎ White butterfly
16:52:12 ◀︎ Haredi MK: Bennett must return his keys, hand them to someone capable
16:55:35 ◀︎ The Ingathering and Medinat Yisrael
17:06:51 ◀︎ Bennett calls for creation of civil national guard
17:13:38 ◀︎ Taliban orders all women to wear burqas - 'Afraid to go out'
17:13:38 ◀︎ Are Republicans banned from New York Museum of Jewish Heritage?
17:18:10 ◀︎ Elad terrorists deny connection to Hamas
17:21:32 ◀︎ IDF: Hamas not behind latest attacks
17:37:20 ◀︎ New UK law targets unregistered haredi schools
17:38:28 ◀︎ Police waiting on political echelon to approve Flag March
18:03:21 ◀︎ Watch: Putin justifies 'forced, timely' invasion
18:13:34 ◀︎ MK Moshe Gafni celebrates his 70th birthday
18:18:06 ◀︎ Chief Mufti of Russia: Muslims must fight for the 'homeland'
18:20:22 ◀︎ Tibi votes against dissolving government
18:26:00 ◀︎ Church of England apologizes for 800-year old anti-Jewish laws
18:41:40 ◀︎ 'There was a shout: Terrorist, knife, terrorist!'
18:55:13 ◀︎ Smotrich: Now it's clear Bennett-Shaked gov't relies on the Arabs
19:11:00 ◀︎ Non-confidence motions fail thanks to Joint List votes
19:18:54 ◀︎ Historic Romanian synagogue returned to the Jewish community
19:34:38 ◀︎ Report: Bennett preparing for new elections
20:07:21 ◀︎ Bennett's neighbors: 'We're prisoners in our own homes'
20:16:22 ◀︎ A Palestinian dream: Biden to visit eastern Jerusalem?
20:28:49 ◀︎ Lufthansa bans Jews from flight over several maskless passengers
20:34:28 ◀︎ Jewish voters, what will it take to wake you up?
20:38:58 ◀︎ Report: Yamina seeking to replace Ra'am with UTJ in coalition
20:50:15 ◀︎ WJC calls for permanent EU Working Group to Combat Antisemitism
21:26:24 ◀︎ Elad axe murderers reenact terror attack
21:40:11 ◀︎ Temple Mount: Public Security Minister submits to Jordanian demands
21:41:19 ◀︎ Toronto politician’s campaign signs defaced with the word ‘Nazi’
22:33:20 ◀︎ Tallahassee Chabad house burns down in overnight fire
22:33:20 ◀︎ IDF foils weapons smuggling from Lebanon
22:43:35 ◀︎ Russian shelling damages Jewish cemetery in Ukraine
23:03:48 ◀︎ Senior US official: ‘Anecdotal reports’ of Russian soldiers disobeying orders
23:42:11 ◀︎ Because of the Israeli flag: Holiday in Sinai ends in detention in Egypt